Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Back to skid/drive school....

I decided that it is time to go back to basic and I think I am losing touch with my driving. Perhaps I have gained some bad habit during the last year or so.

One thing I found after the crash is that I have phobia of spinning. So I think it is worthwhile to learn some car control

Kevin is kindly arranged for us to have the skid pan at Atwood again. So I take the first lesson before the exam.


The problem with the car is that there is too much grip! The positive caster bring the car straight very easily and it is hard when the rear tyre has so much grip comparing the front, so the car is very understeery. But when it is on the skid the car is very controllable and you have to really step the gas to bring the car around. When the car is on the less oily section ... the car brings back quickly and it is hard to adjust the power to keep the skid going. I have too much to learn there.

I learnt very quickly that when just leaving the hand loose on the steering, the caster will pretty much bring the car forward and to the opposite lock. Perfect for track, not so great for skid pan haha.

(Thanks Daniel from for the photos)

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