Well yesterday my car would not start and the electric shows signs of dying. Well lucky someone at work had jumping leads and I could start again. There was a yellow engine light so I don't want to drive the car to recharge it. So I quickly went home and recharge the good old battery. It has been a few year since it has been replaced and I thought... may as well.
Battling the flu, I took a day off. The car started without problem today, and I use the OBDkey to monitor the ECU voltage while driving to Nelson's workshop. The yellow light was permanently on and the OBD scanner show that it is due to throttle position error. I had no problem with it today, although the OBD logger show the throttle position from 15-78% (from full off to full on). Change the battery, clear the code, never returns.
Then the problems started rising. Only a spot of the leads, there are too much residue on the old battery. So it is time to clear up and think that the positive lead is corroded. So went to a local battery shop to buy a non spillable battery. It felt lighter but no way to know since I did not weigh it (other website said 18.6kg, which is about right). It fits perfectly, but the leads are on the other side. We had to add an extension cord to fit the lids, therefore to replace the worn out old rusted lead head. But the power steering did not work! It turns out the plate came out of the relay and lost. Need to seperate the battery from the relay man!
More info of battery HERE
At the same time I decided to change the coolant and use more concentrate than prescribed. See if that works well.
I also got a N95 specific phone holder, it is so nice that I can see the lap time on the right of the steering wheel.
Next is to get an impact wrench to take the tyres off at the pit lane.