Friday, May 04, 2007

A retrospect embarrassment

I don't like to speak of my stupidity on the day. This happened about 3 weeks ago before the EXE track day. I just want to change the parker light, thinking it is easy done since I have done it so many times. Here I go and pop, the socket holding the parking bulb (a W5W or 194) came out nicely. The trouble was the bulb is lost.... in the casing! smile_embaressedIn an attempt to save my embarrassment, I try to get it via a stick, a chopstick and even put the Bluetek into the socket, trying to stick it out. And GUESS WHAT! The bluetek went in as well. Shit smile_sniffsmile_baringteeth.



I use a lot of instruments, even those from my lab does not work. I knew I had to go to Nelson for it. He uses a flexible pick up tool to get it and take it out within a minute... fuk.

I swear if these LED go too soon, I will go back to Bluevision.

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