Tuesday, June 26, 2007

DIY workshop

Last Saturday we held our first workshop and it was a complete success.

This is how it all started.
We started with a chilly morning.

Here was the sign welcome people to come in


They were already working on Kall's car

Craig's car was on display.

When people arrived, Andrew took the car (I mean rear brake) apart smile_devil.

Iggy the cameraman!

.....while Evan dropped down notes (of how many things that Andrew did wrong j/k).


Real life drama!!!!!!

Andrew changing the rear brake pads

Andrew changing the front brake pads

There were deals behind the scene!


When we collected enough money to cover the damage (that Andrew did j/k smile_teeth), the job was already done!

Then embedding begins!


Andrew's turn

The draining bit is so interesting blacksheep

While he is waiting for his stuff to drain!

Online Videos by Veoh.com



The BBQ is so good. That display is left alone to be cooled!

Thanks everyone for coming!

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