This is more interesting news for the RaceChrono fan and video maker likewise. This program (RaceChrono2AVI) has taken shape and promise to rival the top race data video premier (TrackVision). It is true that TrackVision have video rendering function for the average Joe for video editing. But most people into digital video will have the software (in my case Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9) to edit the picture. Most video editing software allows picture in picture function, and the rendering flexibility and quality is professional, and far more superior than TrackVision. You can make a video track blog like mine below with race data for instance. Very useful indeed. More in the RaceChrono2AVI forum.
The latest beta utilise data export from RaceChrono beta v1.02.
Here is the final product. Most of the thing can be changed. The background (the RX-8 dash), the rpm gauge, the speedometer configuration, all the lap times and gauges there, track map etc have choices and all are drag and drop. Finally the movie is made by video capturing in real time, so no more touching the screen and let it run.
Picture in picture the video data, result in this!